• Just your average engineer trying to make sense of it all.
  • Love playing video games, reading fiction, spending hours on projects that I never seem to be able to finish.
  • Civilization 5 and 6 are those games that made me spends days lost in front of the computer screen waiting for the CPU player turns end so that I can play my turn.


Lies of Locke Lamora - my favorite novel. Read it if you are into fiction haven’t yet gotten to it yet.


Learning to be better photography with the worst investment I hve done in my life


More about me

Please don’t reach out if you already don’t know me, don’t know why you’d want to.

  • Yep I know its a russian mail address, I realize sending all data to FBI unfair, sometimes my FBI guy on call needs some rest as well, so lets give some work to the KGB guy as well.
  • pica.power@yandex.com